ytd ii was soo paiiseh lorrs. criied on the bus coz laogong saiid tat he not cumiing back lerrs. jan dden cum back. tat moment realii felt sooo diisappoiinted and realii cannot take iit lorrs. tryiing to controll moii self frm cryiing but end upp moii tears still stroll down.
dden went to miit sophiia, ziling and jieying at lavender street ther. they haviing job iinterviiew ther. dden ii told sophiia "tml all plan cancell, ur's precious wun bbe back tml dde!"
after tiis ii almost criied out agaiin. but ii kept triied not to thiink abt iit and stop moii tear frm droppiing down. dden sophiia know ii wanna cry lerrs dden she saiid "why euu liike goiin to cry? dubb cry larrs. ii let euu see msg".
guess who the one who send the msg and wat iit all abt?
ya. iishx hiim. moii laogong.
he send to sophiia saiid "dasao. euu tml got cum fetch miie mahhs? ii 2 will reach. but dubb tell moii laopo. coz ii bluff her say ii jan dden cum back"
sumthiing liike tat larrs. cant remember verii clearly lerrs!!
sophiia mummii and hiim team upp tryiing to bluff miie and giive miie supriise once agaiin. but lucky tiis tiime moii tears help miie. haha. sOo moii plan still continue.
todday ii overslept. ii set alarm at 9 am. but ii slept till 11 am. dden faster wake upp go prepare and went to plaza to buy the present fer moii laogong dde. but all are late lorrs. jiieyiing iishx the lastest. dden ii faster went to mini toons to buy all the thiing and at fiirst wanna go take bus dde. but coz moii laogong suddenly call sophiia saiid he reachiing soon dden bobiian we haf to take cab and rush down. but we waiited fer verii long. no cab at all lorrs. ii was verii worriied at tat moment lorrs. scare tat we cant make iit to reach habour front before he reach and everythiing we planned wiill bbe spoilted lorrs. but lucky we manage to reach ther iin tiime and even earlier!! hahax. but end upp the thiing ii planned ther sumthiing not done! but still quiite happii.
guess wat the fiirst thiing we do after the supriise? hahax. we argued!! hahax.realii miiz the tiime wen we argued lorrs. miiz the everythiing wiith hiim. sooo fun. hahax.
dden after tat miie peii hiim go home put hiis stuff dden went down to lot 1. today frm the tiime we met each other till the tiime ii go home. most of tiime we will arguiing. hahax. dden after tat went to miichelle papa house slack. miiz the hug hug and kiiss kiiss lorrs. one month nv hug hug n kiiss kiiss lerrs siia. hahax. dotx dotx dotx. diiao!!!
laogong. do euu know how much ii miiz euu iin tiis whole month?? realii miisses euu alot lorrs. iimagiine wen euu jus went back sooo manii thiing happened. and iim soo stressed and unhappii!! ii had to face sooo manii problem all moii self. tat periiod of tiime realii hope euu wiill bbe bby moii siide sooo much lorrs.
wen euu told miie euu not cumiing back lerrs. onlii will bbe back on jan. iit's realii make miie super diisappoiinted. coz the thiing ii planned. the off ii take iishx all liike a waste! but mostly iishx becoz, fiinally euu are back and no matter how unhappii or stress ii am iin the future. ther still euu bby moii siide. ii no longer alone faciing all the problem agaiin lerrs. ther always euu to giive miie support and let miie hang on no matter wat happen. but suddenly euu saiid euu not cumiing back. all moii hope gonez. moii plan gonex. liike everythiing gonex. so so so diisappoiinted and sad lorrs.
wen the moment ii saw euu. ii realii dunno wat to say. ther alot of thiing ii wanna tell euu. but suddenly moii miind all gonex blank. realii feel liike cryiing at tat moment lorrs.
after euu are back lerrs. ii treat tiis as everythiing start all over agaiin frm todday on. remember our's agreement. wun even mentiion the unhappiness matter tat happened iin the past. jus look for now and the future. ii no longer thiink abt anii unhappiiness matter iin the past lerrs soo same to euu oso. ii hope euu can forget abt all the unhappiiness thiing iin the past. let our relationship start a new bba. ii will love euu till the end of tiime. ii will never let euu go agaiin unless euu wanna leave. sincerly hope tat our relatiionshiip could last till the end. laogong. wo aii nii.
here the foto ii took todday.
miie at cab on the way to harbour front