Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy 3rd Monthsary To My Little Jasvin
Current Weight : 6kg
Current Lenght : 58.5
Current Head Circumference : 38.5
- Still drinking 5oz
- Smile alot
- Play alot
- Talk alot in her baby lauguage
- Very "Kpo"
- Always scream very loudly when she's hungry
- Love to play with saliver & Make bubbles
- Love Sitting
- Love being carry upright
- Love to lick her hand
- Love to bathe
- Love watching tv programme
- Love listening music
- Could Recogize House
- Could Recogize People
- Will keep looking at us when we was eating
& her mouth will keep moving as if she's chewing something .
- Will fake cry for attention when she see no one in the room
or nobody wanna play with her .
- Learning to hold her milk bottle
- Learning to hug her bolster
- Learning to flip from front to back/back to front
( so far only successed twice_back to front )
- Dislike people to pitch her cheek
- Dislike people to stop her head from turning ard
- Dislike people to wake her up
alright ,
think that's all i could remember .
Will edit again if i happen to miss out anything . Brought BabyJas to polyclinic for her 2nd Jab .
It's the first time that she didnt cry while taking height
& weight
yet she still smile at me .
After the jab & check up ,
cabbed to west mall with mum .
Had our lunch ,
walk ard west mall until 6pm plus
den cabbed back home .
I dun understand why whenever me & mummy bring BabyJas out ,
she is so well-behaved ;
she seldom cry
but when i bring her out alone ,
she kept crying .
Bully me lorrs .
Arrghs !
Well ,
should stop all my nonsense already .
I got 50 over photo of BabyJas to upload
den i need to go to sleep already .
it's already 2.5oam now ,
tired !
Beloved missCRAZY`Peiting says I very bad ,
Dun wanna accept her tags in my blog .
Btw ,
should i change my bloglink to fkjieyingbitch.blogspot.com ?
5 Days More To Thailand ,
Miss Me When I'm Out Of Town Okay ?
Rofl .
miss JASVIN CHUA !!!Grab From Sis Hp ~ BabyJas Hold Her Milk Bottle ~
That's When I Y0u
2:00 AM