Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy 5th Monthsary To BabyJas !!!
- Still drinking 5-6oz .
- Still scream alot .
- Recognize house .
- Afraid of stranger .
- Afraid of crowd .
- Keep flipping & flipping .
- Can sit by her own for awhile .
- Sometimes can put her pacificer into her mouth by her own .
- Sometimes will hug her bolster & sleep .
- Super sticky to me .
- Always make funny sounds .
- Very playful .
- Cant stop moving around for even 1 second .
- Hate ppls touching her nose .
That's all i could remember ,
edit if i missed out anything !
Though sometimes her crankiness really drive me mad
but i still love her loads !
That's When I Y0u
4:22 AM