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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy 39wks to my 2nd precious !!!!!

Exactly 1 more wk to go !

It's 2nd precious 39wks today ,
1 more wk or earlier
& she would be out alr .
Today finally me & hubby had made a decision for her name
& it's final decision alr .
We're going to name our 2nd precious as . . . . . .
蔡恩双 .
Finally ,
decided on 2nd precious name alr .
Will be going to ICA straight to make her birthcert after i discharge frm the hospital
so that i dun need to purposely go down again ,
can rest & hide at home for the whole mth during confinement .
Lol !

Keep have the feeling that BabyJervin will be out this few day ,
my mum have this feeling too .
So i guess it's quite hard that my dream will be fulfill ,
she will be out on 30th July .
Just another 1more wk to go ,
anytime she'll be out .
Excited , looking forward but afraid too !
Whenever i think of the pain ,
it's like so scary .
"My lil Jervin 双双 ,
Please be a good girl & give mummy a fast labour ok ? "

That's When I Y0u
2:03 AM

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Counting Down !
1wk & 4days more to go .

Check up ytd ,
2nd precious is fine & everything is normal .
Next check up gonna be on 22th July .
No scan photo of 2nd precious to share this time round
coz the doctor didn't give me .
My 38wks & 6days is reaching soon
which is on this coming monday
& i was wandering if 2nd precious will be coming out on this day or not
coz BabyJas was born on when she's 38wks & 6days old inside my tummy .
But of coz i wouldn't wan 2nd precious to be out this soon
coz i wan her to be out on 30th july .
I think i'm getting abit too naggy alr
as i had been repeating this for thousands of times alr .
Lol !
But i really hope so much that she will be out on this day larrs .
Alright ,
nothing much to update alr so shall just end here .
Let me end this post with the photo of my big big tummy !
Byes !

38wks 3days .

That's When I Y0u
1:46 AM

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Currently on my 38wks & 2days pregnancy now ,
1wk & 5days more to my EDD .
Times flies ,
so fast 2nd precious is gonna be out alr .
I seriously hope she would be out on 30th july
so that her birthday & zodiac will be totally same as hubby ,
i doubt it's possible
but i will still pray hard
& tell 2nd precious everyday to be a good girl & come out on 30th july .
New choices of christian name for 2nd precious for me to choose ,
thanks to ELIN for the suggestion yea .
I actually like this name quite alot
& when i told my sis they all abt this name ,
they actually said it sound nice .


Same 6 character
& got "VIN" behide .

For me ,
most properly i will be taking this name
but hubby still haven told me if he like this name or not .
Gonna rush him to give me a ans soon
else dunno when he will drag till .
As for her chinese name ,
i tot of naming as En Rui
but hubby said he dun really like this name .
He said give him sometime to think ,
if after 2nd precious is out still cant think of something nice den take this .

Lets update abit abt BabyJas now .
She's getting more & more playful , demanding & unreasonable
as in what she wan she must get it else she will throw temper & cry out loud .
Other den that ,
actually she can consider quite well behaved .
She understand what we say now
& will do what she ask her to do .
She learn thing very fast ,
like this moment we teach her eyes at where
den the next moment when we ask her she can point to us where's her eyes .
Know how to talk abit ,
like "谢谢, No more, 不知道,拿, bird bird" & alot more .
But her pronunciation is still not very accurate .
She'll touch her stomach when she's full ,
nod her head when we ask her if she wan something or not ,
shake her head when she dun wan that thing
& hold ur hand & pull u to somewhere to get something she wan .
I enjoy seeing her growing & learning everyday ,
sometimes she can really make me laugh for the whole day
& her smile always melt my heart .
I seriously love her & hubby ttm ,
life with the both of them by my side is so blissful & happy
& soon 2nd precious is going to join this lil happy family of us .
Cant wait for 2nd precious arrival ,
getting more & more excited .
Alright !
Shall end this post with fews BabyJas photo .
The weather is so damn hot ,
i'm gonna go bath again den off to bed alr ,
tml still gonna go for my check up again at 2.30pm .
Update tml night if i'm not tired ,
bye all !

That's When I Y0u
11:16 PM

Saturday, July 03, 2010

It's been abt 1mth plus since i last updated my blog .
Due to my big tummy ,
i seldom use com now
coz my back ache like hell after sitting infront of the com for just awhile .
I've got many photos
& more den 10 overdue videos of BabyJas to upload ,
some of the videos are even taken before BabyJas reach 1yr old .
Terrible right
but really kinda lazy to upload it to youtube den post it to blog .
Well ,
let's talk abt my recent life .
Everything is going real fine after hubby is back ,
BabyJas love him alot
& is now sticky to him den me .
She love playing with her daddy so much
& always follow him to whenever he go when he's at home .
Hubby is oso doing his very best on being a good father ,
he's trying very hard to learn how to take care of a child
like how to make milk ,
change diaper ,
bath for BabyJas & etc .
As for me & hubby ,
everything is fine too .
He dote & care for me alot ,
he'll even help me out on taking care of BabyJas & household chores during his off day .
Much appreciated
& feel really blissful with hubby & BabyJas by my side .
As abt my 2nd lil precious ,
she's abt 2kg on 10th of june when i went for my growth scan .
Everything's normal
& she's a healthy baby just that the doctor said her head is abit small .
I'm 36wks & 4days pregnant now ,
another 3wks & 3days or earlier
& she's gonna be out soon .
Most of her thing is prepared ,
just left with pacifier ,
receiving blanket
& few more pieces of clothes to buy only .
Her name not yet decided too ,
chinese name will most properly stick to 蔡恩蕊 .
As for her christian name ,
i still thinking weather to take Jovelle , Jovanna
or find a name that go after hubby name (Alvin) that start with A .
Headache ,
seem so hard to find a name that sound real nice .
Less den one mth times
& i'm going to deliver my 2nd lil precious .
It's like so fast can ,
i'm feeling very excited & afraid now .
Been keep thinking how will BabyJas & 2nd precious be like when they bond ?
Will BabyJas be jealous with meimei & bully her anot ?
Whenever i think of the time i delivered BabyJas ,
the pain & all ,
i feel so afraid & feel like fainting .
Lol !
No epidural for me this time as well
since i nvr take epidural when i delivered BabyJas
so i think i could take it w/o epidural this time round as well .
Hopefully ,
i can make it ,
all the best to me yea !
Alright ,
enough of all my crapz
& it's time for photo .
Enjoy !
Next update might be after i deliver my 2nd precious alr
so stay tunes for my 2nd precious photo yea .
Byes !

2nd precious 5th scan photo

BabyJas & Her daddy
(Our very 1st family outing to IMM on 18th May 10.)

Random !

That's When I Y0u
12:54 AM